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What we do

Our charity makes a positive difference to communities around the UK


Our achievements so far:

  • We have raised over £10 million for good causes
  • We have given over 1,100 community grants to local charities
  • We have delivered over 235,000 books to our adopted schools around the country

In 2022:

  • We became the Moto Foundation and began a new national charity partnership with Mind and SAMH
  • The partnership will run for five years and aims to raise £1.25million for these two mental health charities
  • Over these five years the charity aims to raise £5 million overall
  • We said goodbye to Help for Heroes after a ten year partnership having raised £3.25million for them

Charity Fundraising

  • Raising funds through our network of Moto Service Areas

Community Development

  • Forging strong links with small charities and community groups
  • Supporting the Woodland Trust and Wildfowl and Wetland Trust, to improve our local environment
  • Volunteering
  • A focus on Safety and the Environment

Granting Funds

  • To our national and local partners
  • Through our Benevolent Fund for colleagues

Our charity aims to make a difference to communities around the UK.  We focus our attention on the local communities around Moto’s locations,  however we also partner with a national charity in order to help make a difference to a wider community audience.

The Moto Foundation was launched in 2005 as a grant-making charity supporting various local groups and national charities by raising money at Moto locations nationwide.    Funds raised by our charity are then distributed back into our communities through grants.  Moto people also offer their time and skills by volunteering within their communities and building strong links with local charities and community groups.

Moto employs around 5,000 colleagues at service areas nationwide, and it is the energy and enthusiasm of our staff that has helped raise over £10m since our charity launched in 2005.

Our national charity partners enjoy nationwide presence at Moto’s locations and a proportion of the funds raised at Moto Service Areas and by our corporate supporters each year.

Each Moto location is also given the opportunity to adopt a local community partner, specific to their geographical area.  These partnerships build strong community links and provide excellent opportunities for our charity to make a real difference to our communities.  Local community partners are eligible to apply for grants to our charity.

The Foundation also has its own benevolent fund to support Moto colleagues through times of hardship.

The Foundation is managed by 10 Trustees which includes members of the Moto senior management team and external Trustees from other industries.

Our Values

  • C – CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP – Making a difference to our communities
  • A – ADDING VALUE where it is needed most
  • R – Building RELATIONSHIPS with our communities
  • E – ENGAGING our EMPLOYEES, and setting an example in our industry

Our supporters

The Moto Foundation is privileged to have the continued support of Moto colleagues, customers, suppliers and partners, through their tireless fundraising.

Learn more

Annual Report

Find out how the Moto Foundation made a positive impact in 2022

View the 2022 annual report