Moto Rugby on the M6 has been rated the UK’s best motorway service area in a survey of customers by Transport Focus, the independent transport user watchdog.
In fact, Moto Donington Park took 2nd place, with our Wetherby, Washington South and Medway East services making it in the top 10 – That means 50% of our Moto sites have been ranked in the top 10 and we couldn’t be prouder. A huge congratulations to all our hardworking colleagues for their incredible efforts.

Across the entire Moto network, 93% of our customers, when asked, said that they were at least satisfied with their visit to us – 60% said they’re “very satisfied!”
Transport Focus spoke to more than 31,000 visitors at 119 motorway services in Great Britain about their views on the toilets, staff, value of the food and drink, electric vehicle charging and the impact their visit has on drivers’ mood.
Moto Rugby, our newest site on the motorway network having opened in April last year, achieved a 100% satisfaction rating with customers. It also came out on top as the site visitors were most likely to recommend to someone making a similar journey and the highest satisfaction with the toilets at 99%.
AA president Edmund King said the high-quality provision of electric vehicle chargers at Rugby was ‘the sort of facilities all motorway service areas should have’. He added: “In terms of road safety, it is essential that drivers take a break at least every two-and-a-half hours, so it is vital that attractive service areas with all the facilities encourage drivers to stop.”
Our vision is to transform the UK’s rest stop experience and to brighten peoples journeys through life and we will continue to do so with investments into site and facility upgrades and lead the charge with mass rollouts of Electric Vehicle “Super Hub” charging facilities.
For highlights from the report – head here > Transport Focus 2022